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军用背包批发,战术枪包 ,军用防弹衣生产厂家, 军用箱包 战术枪包
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军用背包批发,战术枪包 ,军用防弹衣生产厂家, 军用箱包 战术枪包
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Vaikobi Hydro System 1.5L Hydration Bladder with Cleaning Kit

Be the First to Write a Review拿样板来说有订单合作打板

The Vaikobi 1.5L Hydration reservoir is designed to work with Vaikobi V3 and VXP Life Vests. Thoughtful design makes filling, cleaning and staying hydrated easier than ever.

Color: blue

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Sold and shipped by: APA Outdoor Shop

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Key Product Features:

High Flow Mouthpiece allows maximum flow when needed
90cm insulated tube for convenient routing
High Quality , Super Strong T.P.U. Bladder with inbuilt structure to retain shape minimise bounce
Large 10cm Opening lets you refill with out removing bladder from PFD Pocket
Velcro loop allows the bladder to be hung inside the rear pocket
4 piece cleaning kit; drying frame, long flexible brush, small & long brushes
This bladder easily hooks up into the back pocket of either the Vaikobi V3 or VXP Race vests and the insulated hose can be guided through the tabs on the vest to ensure easy access to the mouth piece.

User reviews

4.48 / 5
军用皮带 厂家 军用背包代加工工厂
Online Purchase Experience 19333 sport users out of 22081 recommend 现役部队使用的皮带
Fri, 29 Dec 2023, 19:18:55
Unfortunately the clothing fits a bit on the small size but the service and quality is excellent.

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